During the summer, Camp Riverlea offers bus transportation, included in tuition, from two stops in Durham. During the Spring Break Camp, the bus stops at only the North Durham Stop (see below). Families may also choose to drop off and pick up their campers at camp. All families must complete a transportation form, found under Forms and Documents on your CampInTouch Forms Dashboard.
If you are driving your child to and from camp, drop-off at camp is at 9 a.m., and pick-up is at 4 p.m.
Our buses are driven by professional school bus drivers who operate buses during the school year. Each bus is supervised by at least two Riverlea counselors, who greet campers in the morning, call roll, and wait with campers in the afternoon until all are picked up by an authorized adult. In the afternoon, before leaving the lot, parents/guardians will have to approach a bus counselor and sign a form on the bus counselors’ checklist. This is to ensure we know exactly who picks up each child at the end of the day. Please see the bus stops listed below.
2025 Bus Stops
Forest Hills (Summer Bus Stop)
The Forest Hills bus departs at 8:25 a.m. and returns at 4:30 p.m.
The Forest Hills Bus Stop is located in parking lot on East Forest Hills Boulevard, near the intersection with University Drive and behind the tennis courts.
North Durham Bus Stop (TBD: Planned to be within a 2-3 mile radius of the St. Luke’s Episcopal Church at 1737 Hillandale Rd., Durham, NC 27705)
(Summer & Spring Break Camp Stop)
*The exact pick-up/drop off times are not determined yet, but below are the estimates.
The bus departs at 8:35 a.m. and returns between 4:20 p.m. and 4:25 p.m.