When I tell people that I work at a summer camp, the next question they usually ask is, “so, what do you do the rest of the year?” While it’s certainly lonelier and less busy than summertime, we spend the fall, winter, and spring preparing for the next summer. Because my Riverlea work is only part-time during the school year, I also do some work on a farm (last year a goat dairy, this year a vegetable farm) while counting down the weeks until camp starts again. As you can see, one thing we’ve been up to this school year is creating a new website! To make a unique and useful website, we worked with a small company to create this colorful customized design, while I contributed photographs and text. We’ll write more blog entries, post plenty of photos in the summer, and probably add to the site over the next few months. We’re happy to have an informative website that reflects the spirit of Camp Riverlea!
This fall, Fran (Riverlea’s Business Director) and I have been customizing and learning to use our new online management system, called CampInTouch. CampMinder, the company behind it all, has been in the business of online camp management for over 11 years, and they spent hours patiently training us and setting up our system. Now, all of Camp Riverlea’s camper, Orc, and staff applications, as well as health forms, will be online in one secure system. We’ll also be using CampInTouch for email communication, which means it will be easier for us to reach camp families and easier for everyone to get in touch with us. We’re excited to start using the new system, and we hope that you are, too! Feel free to contact me or Fran with questions.
-Julia Fiore, Program Director